Video und Transcript von der ‘Breaking Dawn’ Pressekonferenz

Fr, 04/11/2011 - 01:13 | by

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Auszug aus der Pressekonferenz:
“Question: Can you understand why Jacob just won’t let Bella go? And talk about the last scene you’ve filmed.
Taylor: I go back and forth with Jacob’s persistence. Most of the time, yeah I can understand it. Because sometimes you’re told no in life – you can’t just say “oh, okay.” You have to be persistent. It requires a lot of hard work. If you believe in something you gotta go for it. Most of the time I could relate. But then there’s moments where I was like “dude, you gotta get over it. it’s time to move on.”
Taylor: our last scene was tough because I knew filming the last scene was going to be tough. But it was more emotional for all of us. It didn’t help that my very last scene was with Kristen. Rob comes in and well and breaks it up. It’s Jacob and Bella’s last dance after the wedding. Bella’s off to the honeymoon and he realizes everything he’s been working for is over. It’s an emotional scene and we’re saying goodbye to each other, and that was the very last scene we filmed. And it didn’t help the situation. When we finished Kristen and I looked at each other and didn’t have anything to say. Because the emotion of the scene, and the emotion of the situation – it’s a very special situation. When I watch the scene I have a lot of great memories.

Den Rest könnt ihr bei @Hypable nachlesen. (von 1:34 – 1:51Uhr)

Quelle / VIA

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