Per Twitter..

Do, 06/01/2011 - 21:28 | by twilicous-time

Einige Stars vom Set haben was zu den People Choice Awards getwittert.

Gil Birmingham: ''Thanks for making Twilight Eclipse your favorite movie in the People's Choice Awards! Twilight fans rock!''

Kellan Lutz: ''I second aand third that ;)RT @AshleyMGreene: Thank you to EVERYONE who voted for Eclipse at the Peoples Choice (cont)''

Ashley Greene:''Thank you to EVERYONE who voted for Eclipse at the Peoples Choice Awards! Its safe to say we have the most devoted amazing fans ever! Xo.''

Offizieller Twilight Account: ''Thank you to all the fans who voted for tonight's PCAs! ECLIPSE won 4 awards, including Favorite Movie, because of you! Best. Fans. Ever.''

Na das klingt doch gut oder? xD

by Stephi

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