Robert Pattinson to Attend the Peoples Choice Awards (includes seating picture)!

Di, 04/01/2011 - 13:10 | by TwilightIsabell...

Update: Robs atten­dance con­firmed by Gos­sip Cop- “Robert Pat­tin­son will join Twi­light Saga co-stars Kris­ten Stew­art and Tay­lor Laut­ner at tomor­row night’s People’s Choice Awards, a rep for the show con­firms to Gos­sip Cop.”

Accord­ing to the Buzz Blog at

The People’s Choice Awards. Tomor­row night at 9pm on CBS. Red Car­pet will start at 7:30 ET/4:30 PT.
And how about the guest list? Let’s see. We have Malin Aker­man, Julie Bowen, Michael Chik­lis, Miranda Cos­grove, Kaley Cuoco, Taye Diggs, Lisa Edel­stein, Zac Efron, Elton John, Neil Patrick Har­ris, the Kar­dashi­ans, Minka Kelly, Mila Kunis, Ash­ton Kutcher, Tay­lor Laut­ner, Zachary Levi, Jane Lynch, Anna­Lynne McCord, Leighton Meester, Stephen Moyer, Conan O’Brien, Jerry O’Connell, Jim Par­sons, Robert Pat­tin­son, Pauley Per­rette, Katy Perry, Natalie Port­man, Emma Roberts, Kris­ten Stew­art, Tay­lor Swift and Kate Walsh. How’s that for a ros­ter of A-List Hol­ly­wood tal­ent and then some. Plus, they’ll all be decked out to the nines, and if you want to see for your­self who’s wear­ing what before Queen Lat­i­fah gets the ball rolling, sim­ply tune into our exclu­sive live Red Car­pet web­cast 7:30–9:00 PM live ET/4:30–6:00 live PT. Plus, you get musi­cal num­bers from Kid Rock and Selena Gomez and The Scene. As far as star-studded evenings go, this is the only game in town.

Source via via rplife via

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