Olivia Wilde Says Robert Pattinson is "Seriously Funny"

Mo, 17/01/2011 - 15:53 | by TwilightIsabell...

Despite Robert Pattinson's exceptional gift for intense stares and pursed lips, he certainly has the power to amuse, according to one Hollywood "It" girl. Olivia Wilde, to be precise.
At the Weinstein/Relativity bash, the gorgeous "House" brunet chatted briefly with the Ministry (carefully standing on the perimeter of her epic Marchesa dress) about presenting an award with the "Twilight Saga" star at Sunday's Golden Globes.
"We laughed so much," she said of her moments with Pattinson before presenting the award for best foreign film."He's seriously one of the funniest people."
Not to peel back the curtain -- but we also told you about the moments before Pattinson and Wilde stepped out to the stage, when Rob threw back a beer and tested bits to try on stage.
LA Times | RPLife

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