MTV Interview mit Chris Weitz!

Mo, 02/11/2009 - 00:50 | by GermanTwilighters

''Well, they want something grand.''


Mtv stellte Chris u.a die Frage ob er denn schon Eclipse gesehen hätte und nein das hat er nicht^^

,,He hadn't, he said, because he's been busy working hard to bring fans "New Moon," which hits theaters in less than a month. Surprisingly, he said he didn't really want to see the footage yet.''

"As a fan and a filmmaker, I'm excited to see finished stuff from 'Eclipse' rather than anything in progress," Weitz said. "When you see works in progress, there's always some guy standing in front of some big green curtain, and it's all terribly disappointing. You really want to see the good stuff once it's all finished."

Man erfährt außerdem das Chris sich anfangs mit David Slade unterhalten und ihm gesagt hat wie New Moon aussehen wird...

,,Weitz said he had some early chats with Slade to let him know what "New Moon" was going to look like and how he had filmed the story, and then let Slade decide how he wanted to film the series' third installment.''

"It was like the transition team, so I could kind of let him know where things are going," Weitz said. "The transfer of power was very successful. The transition teams coordinated extremely well."

Mit Catherine Hardwicke selbst hat Chris solche Unterhaltungen nicht geführt dafür aber mit Stephenie Meyer, um sicherzugehen das er in ihren Augen der richtige für den Job ist und ihre Ideen für die Geschichte richtig einfängt...

,,...In addition to it being Meyer's movie, he said it was also a fan's movie, and it was to the fans and Meyer that he felt he owed the most allegiance.''

"[I] was reading the book and really trying to pay attention to what I thought the devoted reader would want out of the film," he said. "And I thought, 'Well, they want something grand.' "

"New Moon" will be much more of a blockbuster film than Hardwicke's indie take on "Twilight," Weitz confirmed. But he made sure to clarify that it won't be a blockbuster in the "Transformers" sense — there won't be objects exploding left and right — but in the classic "Doctor Zhivago" or "Seven Samurai" way.

"I think that Catherine Hardwicke had a very current pop sensibility and rock sensibility. I'm a complete square," Weitz said with a laugh. "['New Moon' has] more of an old-school ethic, which won't mean very much to most of the fans that are watching it, but in terms of how we set about shooting it, it probably feels a bit more like my sad attempt to echo David Lean or [Akira] Kurosawa or something like that."

Komplettes Interview auf!


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