Interview mit George und Rob!

So, 17/01/2010 - 01:25 | by GermanTwilighters

Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, wann George Clooney es auch bemerken würde, dass unser Rob ein ganz talentierter, gutaussehender junger Mann ist! Ok, eigentlich war es von Anfang an ja schon offensichtlich! :) In einem Interview sprach er es aber noch einmal aus:

The “Up in the Air” star isn’t afraid to admit he’s glad that he doesn’t have to
duel over movie roles with the king of “Twilight.”

“Thank God I don’t
have to compete with Rob,” Clooney said. “He’s young and handsome and talented.”

Auch Rob hat zu dem Thema "Aussehen" eine ganz eigene Meinung:

Meanwhile, the 23-year-old (Rob) said being English means not having to look
<---Ach, komm schon Rob. Ich kenn einige Engländer, die sehr sehr gut

“I just wanted to make an American film, and I wanted to be
relatively good in it,” he said. “I have never pushed to do anything. As soon as
you start going to the gym every day and try to look like a movie star, you’re
going down a worrisome track. Being an English guy you get a lot more breaks.
You’re allowed to look a little worse. It’s that thing about English teeth.
Although Canadian teeth are pretty bad as well!”

But with quick fame, it
isn’t always easy to handle. “It worries me, because the whole Twilight thing
keeps getting bigger and bigger, and now it’s so big that even my own ego can’t
deal with it. A certain amount of success you can mentally deal with, but
there’s a point where you think, ‘Jesus Christ, what is this? I’m not that
great!’ “ <--- Oh doch, das bist du!

thx to! byTink

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