David Slade - Nachricht an die Fans

So, 06/06/2010 - 17:48 | by twiary

Über den Twilight Facebook Account spricht Regisseur David Slade zu seinen Fans:

Dear fans of The Twilight Saga,

I want to congratulate you for reaching over 6 million fans on The Twilight Saga Facebook page.

It's hard to fathom that it was just over one year ago that I started constructing this third and epic adventure which takes place in the town of Forks.

I want to share a story about one of our days of shooting with you.

It was a Friday night and the rain was relentless. We were at La Push to shoot the tribe's histories, a great speech by Billy Black. We had Taylor and Kristen and the whole wolf pack around a campfire as the heavens let loose on us.

Gil Birmingham was in fine form as the rain hammered down on us all, we adjusted our lights so that the rain vanished into the black of night.

We constructed a tent over the scene to keep everyone dry as we worked, every 15 minutes or so we would have to tip it to stop the collecting rain from splitting the fabric.

For some reason still unknown, around 3am, the wolf pack stood exactly in the way of several gallons of rainwater as it was being cleared. Being the wolf pack, they just laughed it off as they stood there soaked to the bone.

We worked through the mud and the rain all night, until we had the scene perfected.

As we left, dawn was now cracking and in the dim light I passed a small army of fans who had braved the weather for the entire night, still standing there, holding drenched flowers and waiting to get a glimpse of our actors.

So, to those of you who stood behind our security, who waited in line at theatres overnight, to those of you who just love these stories, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is a love letter to you.

Each day I felt the weight of your favourite scenes, your favourite lines, your dreams and your imagination.

It has been an unforgettable journey, and now as I finalise the last prints to ready the film for your local theaters, I cannot wait for you to see it.

Sincerest Regards,


Um was geht es:

- Mittlerweile zählt der Twilight FB Account über 6 Millionen Fans

- David Slade bedankt sich für all die Unterstützung

- Erzählt wird von einer Szene in La Push, wo es aus Eimern geschüttet hat und unter einer Plane gedreht werden musste. Alle paar Minuten musste diese von der riesigen Ansammlung von Wasser wieder befreit werden. Bei einem Entleerungsversuch wurde das gesamte Wolfpack ziemlich nass.

- Es geht um die Lagerfeuer-Szene, die eine ganze Nacht gedreht wurde. Am frühen Morgen entdeckte David zahlreiche Fans die warteteten um nur einen Blick auf den Dreh zu werfen.

- Er bedankt sich bei all diesen Fans, die so lang warten, die hinter der Securtiy warten, die vor Kinos zelten und bei allen die Twilight einfach nur lieben.

- Er ist sehr gespannt was wir zu seinem Werk sagen werden. Dieser Film soll ein Liebesbrief an alle Fans sein


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