Das ist neu, Riley und die Neugeborenen

Do, 20/05/2010 - 13:54 | by GermanTwilighters

As the more mature newborn, Riley is tasked to retrieve Bella's scent and later, corral the rest of the newborns to Forks for a showdown against the Cullens/La Push wolf pack alliance. "Audiences can expect a vicious battle," says Samuel, "And I think audiences can also expect a few surprises. Riley and his newborn army are an unstoppable force."

But there's more to this vampire baddie... he's in love!

Not only is Riley Victoria's right-hand vamp, he's also her puppet boy. He loves her and serves her faithfully, but of course she's still in love with James and is only using Riley to get him to do what she wants. "Remembering that Riley still has some human blood pumping through his veins was an important thing to consider when I was approaching the role," Samuel shares. "He's not a purely evil monster."

Quelle: Yahoo und HIER könnt ihr euch übrigens noch weitere Bilder von Xavier ansehen :)

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