MTV hat einmal mit Ashley und einmal mit Jackson ein Interview geführt und sie über die Verfilmung von "Breaking Dawn" ausgequetscht. Bei Ashley gans wieder das Thema: " ein Film oder doch zwei Filmeß" un dbei Jackson gings um einen Regisseur und 3D.
"Ashely: “I wouldn’t mind seeing it split up because the book is huge, and there’s so much that’s involved, and there’s so many different kinds of intertwining stories,” she told MTV News at South by Southwest in Austin, Texas.
“The problem with changing books into film is that you don’t have time to tell this intricate story that you do in 700 pages of a book,” she added. “I don’t think it could hurt.”
Jackson: “I think some films work in 3-D, and some films don’t,” he told MTV News on the orange carpet at the Kids’ Choice Awards over the weekend. “I don’t necessarily think it should be 3-D, but, hey, you know, it’s up for the production to decide.”"
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