Ashley Interview!

Mi, 16/09/2009 - 17:39 | by GermanTwilighters

Mtv führte kürzlich ein Interview mit Ashley, wie es scheint per Telefon :O

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

,,…Greene said Slade’s taking the third “Twilight” film in a darker direction. “I think it’ll be different,” Greene said. “I think it’s going to be a battle between the studio and the director, and it’s going to be a hard balance, ’cause I think he’s … a little more focused on it being real and maybe it being gorier and a little dark and kind of dramatic.”

,,Like the novel, which builds up to a climactic battle of vampires and werewolves, Greene said “Eclipse” has a lot more action than the first film and might appeal to more than just screaming teen girls. “The first one was very focused on this love story and really sweet and it was beautiful, but it didn’t have a lot of stuff that guys would go, ‘Yeah, I want to go see that,’ ” she said. “There’s going to be a lot more focus on [action], and the fight scene will have more emphasis on it. I definitely think it will be a little more guy-friendly.”

Komplettes Interview!


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