Alex Meraz ist einer von InterviewMagazines 8 Valentinstags Traum Dates! Die Überschrift zum Artikel ist übrigens 'Our Valentine's D8'
Ich verrate jetzt einfach mal nicht wie lange ich dafür gebraucht hab zu kapieren was es mit diesem mysteriösen D8 auf sich hat :O
NAME: Alex Meraz
BIRTHDAY: January 10, 1985
WHY WE LOVE HIM: He's multi-faceted. In addition to playing volatile werewolf Paul in The Twilight Saga: New Moon, Meraz is also an avid painter and contemporary dancer.
UPCOMING PROJECTS: The Twilight Saga: Eclipseand Savage Innocent, a new project from Kids director Larry Clark.
ROMANTIC TIES: Sorry Twilighters. He's taken by wife Kim, with whom he has a son named Somak.
WHAT'S HIS SIGN? As a Capricorn, Meraz is likely reserved, respectful of traditions, and steadily devoted to family members, so it's no wonder he's already married.
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