Alex auf Supernova in Australien!

Do, 15/04/2010 - 17:44 | by GermanTwilighters

Wir berichteten ja schon von Alex Tweets aus Australien!Wie sich nun herausgestellt hat war er dort zu Gast auf der 'Supernova', wo der er auch Fragen während einer Q&A Runde beantwortete, hier ein paar Fakten...

~In New Moon when Paul says sorry - that was all Alex! He thought it would be weird if he just walked into Emily's place and didn't say anything or acknowledge Bella right after trying to attack her. Kristen backed Alex up and he got to say his line. Plus, this was his favorite scene.

~All wolf cast auditioned for different roles- Alex auditioned for Sam, Chaske for Jared, Bronson for Embry, and Kiowa for Paul.

~It wasn't until a visionary dream that Chris Weitz had in the middle of the night that he pieced together the wolfpack actors to their characters.
~When asked what would happen if the wolves went to Volterra he said "it would get pretty hairy."

~Alex would like to see Breaking Dawn be split into two movies

~Alex has always loved wolves.

~When asked if he would prefer to play wolf or vamp, he said that he would choose wolf because he prefers being "tall, dark and handsome!"

TheMerazEffect: HIER+HIER via Twitter!


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